Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Cruelty of Man is Quite... Cruel...

Hearing about the awful events in Libya, and how evil Gaddafi seems to be, I get a little upset. How can we plead the good nature of our race with people like Gaddafi in positions of power? Of course he won't be in said position much longer if he keeps trying to mow down his own "subjects", but I am simply appalled at how disgustingly cruel a single person can be.

I watch plenty of violent movies of men torturing and killing other men, but to hear of someone almost as bad, very close to being AS bad, in the real world really doesn't make me hope for silly ideas such as 'World Peace', or 'No Hunger'.

People like this also make me realize how sad I am for people who believe that the world will one day be free of all bad people. Previous sentence can't exist. Bad people will always be around, I see no way A 'Higher Power' could cleanse us of evil thought, let alone us cleanse us.

A bit of a shorter post today, but think on this; If evil thought will always enter our minds, therefore shaping evil people, what do we need as a distraction, or better said, what could possibly distract everyone in the world from all bad decisions forever? Frankly I can't think up a single thing.

I'm beginning to enjoy writing for this blog in the way that I should, so expect a more steady stream of posts. Signing off.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Did you see that?" and a Couple Other Topics

Being surrounded by big business franchises almost all day every day, we don't really notice or think too much about them. We don't stop and think, "I wonder how much money McDonalds makes each day." or, "How many Wal•Marts exist across the country?" It doesn't much matter wether you end up researching these particular topics or not, but doing so could reveal some very interesting facts.

Why do I bother saying this? Well, what else don't you notice every day? What else is becoming a grey background to your every day pattern? I have read several articles saying we notice only the things that we are told to notice, simply because of human psychology. It is easier on our brains to think about what we are doing presently, burying all else into the murky Subconscious.

I just think it interesting how little control we have over so many aspects of our brain and bodies. It takes books, classes, studies, and, sometimes, an actual interest in the subject to learn anything at all about how our own minds react to the world.

You as a reader have most likely noticed how fascinated I am with human psychology, and what most of this blog will revolve around. Having said that I also realize that this can turn out to he a very dull topic, but I plan on improving my writing skills to grab and keep your attention.

As a final note, I would like to point out just how flashy and grabby our human environment is. I can't watch tv for very long after I realize the each shot last for about one to two seconds, if that, and with the way the world is progressing, everything from tv to billboards to newspaper ads will be screaming and blinking in our faces. Even writing this post my eyes are beginning to feel puffy.

Well I'm starting babble so I'll wrap up. What I'm saying is how unhealthy everything seems to be for us. No one seems very keen on keeping the population fit and strong. No, money is the top priority, and as long as the people on top stay rich, we in the lower middle class and below can get fat and diseased.

What also amazes me is the god-like image famous actors or singers, and shady franchisers receive. I suppose god is a bit much, but still. These people have so much support from very hidden sources, and they make think that it was backbreaking work that got them where they are. In some cases this may be true, but most often it isn't.

I will continue with that topic in another post, but for now I really am drawling, so signing off.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The meaning of our non-existence.

I wish we all lived in such a way that nobody would ever be hurt. No heartbreak. No disappointment. No war. Freedom is a state of mind, not a right. Suffering will always be, and will always claim a victim for the greater good that is a lie.

I puzzled out the reason we exist, which is  that there is no reason. We are chance and mutations. We could be wiped off the face of the planet, and not a single thing would sadden from it. We are the the most ignorant species for thinking we are all important to the planet. You may counter with love, and humanity. This is an empty argument. Because emotions such as these are merely chemical reactions in the brain fooling our bodies into believing the we really understand what is going on.

I truly believe humans to be a pointless, maybe even ridiculous article in the ever expanding space of endless darkness. Mind over matter can be taken so far as to say that if I don't believe anyone exists, then nobody does.

I'm now toying with the idea that nobody will read this, because no one exists. It is a complete waste of my time to write this, but time is an illusion thought up to be wasted. Clicking the publish button would be the same as not, there would be no difference. So why do I write? To exploit your chemically retarded brains.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ads, Nature, and a Bit of Deep Thinking

Having had a cough for a good two to three weeks now, I'm starting to wonder if I will ever recover. Of course I know it is just a matter of time, but I begin to imagine what I would be doing at this very moment if I were able to breathe through my nose without making a loud noise.

Then I realize that I wouldn't be doing anything different at all. This string of thinking is kind of depressing, due to the fact that we live on earth which is probably the most beautiful planet in our solar system. A planet which, it just so happens, was home to some of the most interesting people.

Of course in today's metaphorical world everything is twisted beyond nature, making it hard to find the root beauty in most things. Living in such a commercial atmosphere also, as I said in my last post, forces us to think on a different wavelength, so to speak.

With all the wonders of our planet that aren't fully appreciated, why does the commercial society feel the need to further obscure our view? It doesn't stop with nature either. Watch any advertisement and try to guess what the are selling you. Not the literal product, but the essence such as health, or entertainment. Why is it recently we need to pay a Thousand dollars to have fun? Without all the fancy expensive stuff everyone else has, we feel like we want it all, too, but when we get it, it is just useless junk so we don't care anymore.

Really though, how long could this last? It's still pretty new stuff, the commercial world I mean. It can't survive very long, can it? Well it will carry on as long as we give it fuel to do so. So in order to restore the natural beauty of Earth we need to not buy a single commercial object, or idea until it all dies away. Of course most of the planet relies on this fake community to survive, what would we do without it?

So you can see for yourself how deep we've dug our grave. The commercial community will not survive as long as we think. It can't, and I could go into further detail but that would be a very long post. Someday it will fail, maybe not outright, but bad enough we would be lost, but I don't believe we would be thrown into chaos either. The human species is one that always lives on, a very adaptable animal.

So breathe whatever nonsense into this post that you wish, I just hope you understood the basic idea of what I was saying.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I would like to begin with Facebook...

In the time I've spent on Facebook I've learned that next to none of the posts I've read have any intellectual value. Facebook is more of a toy, used to let people know what you want them to know. The same can be said of any social site on the 'World Wide Web'. Shortly before writing what you are currently reading, I read a blog that gave information on what people believe the media is doing to the brains of the youngest generations.

As I understand it, the way we process information is actually changing, that is to say, our minds are adapting to how information is put to us. Instead of noticing what MAY be interesting, we actively choose what interests us. If a person wishes to spend hours on twitter, or Facebook, he or she can do just that, and at the same time tune out the rest of life.

It's this 'switched interest' that makes it hard to engage anything that one doesn't think might be entertaining, such as walking through a forest to see nature at work. It is also mentioned in the blog I read that spending so much time online with no actual 1:1 contact actually causes people to become more susceptible to depression. Typing in smileys just doesn't cut it in the way of an outlet, it seems.

I've also noticed that being online for so much of our lives leads us to think with no depth. Everything is exactly what it says it is. If this person on tv says this, it must be true. As an example I use global warming. Global Warming does not mean the whole planet is going to melt, it simply means that the overall climate of Earth is rising slowly. There will still be winter, then spring, and summer in succession. For a while at least.

So to finish up, I'll say that I think it is a little unnecessary to think that the consumer world is the way the world will be no matter what we do. Also, Facebook is a toy, not your only link to the world. Not that you shouldn't use it to keep in touch, but you can easily involve yourself in social activities, which just so happen turn out to be a healthier way live. Kudos to those of you who occasionally help at the theater.